Monday, March 24, 2008


What if the world was as honest as our children? What if adults crossed over to adulthood with the inability to be dishonest?

My friends very young granddaughter came to visit him and entered the house by telling us that her armpits smelled. Maybe it was a little too much information for us, but to her it was a very honest and straightforward statement; which was of great concern to her.

As adults we always tell children to be honest and tell the truth, so how could we respond to her honesty? Well, we laughed and acknowledged her concern by giving her comfort that she was still loved, smelly armpits and all.

When did adults stop acknowledging that their armpits were smelly? When does the truth become so dangerous that lying has become a more acceptable port in lifes storms? Politicians lie and we accept it. The ads on TV are so bizarre and fabricated we know they are mostly lies. Yet! We buy the products. Lovers lie about their affairs so much we amuse ourselves by watching soap operas.

I am not trying to change the world just acknowledge that from time to time my armpits smell too! How about yours?


misguidedmommy said...

On any given day I smell like a cross between a truck driver and clove of garlic.

Annie Els said...

Both a child and honesty (though sometimes devastating) are covered with flecks of beauty, yes? Perhaps this is why we are drawn to both. I too, love the honesty of a child, if for no other reason than a reality check.

Mr. Nature said...

I have a horrible poker face and I tend to get myself in trouble because I refuse to lie to make the world seem better than it is.The world made its bed and now its either time to lie in it or do something about our lying, cheating,deceiving ways. Meanwhile Mister Nature will remain hiding in the woods where the air doesnt smell like stinky armpits.

Anisha Zaveri said...

I try to be as honest as possible, but sometimes circumstances force you to lie.

#29 said...

"You were the one who made things different, you were the one who took me in. You were the one thing I could count on, above all, you were my friend."

thanks for giving me a comments,,, it's a peasure to me to be my friend!...

honesty is the best policy!...

you have a nice blog!... keep it up and God bless!..