Monday, January 07, 2008

Ah Children!

I remember that when I became 7 leaning toward 8, my memory and mind melded together like a Picasso painting. My memories were colorful and my life experiences were full of angles. Which reminds me of a story of a little girl, her friend and her brother.

This little girl loved her brother. One fine day her and her friend decided to do something special for him. He was a blabbering five year old amazed with the world and craving his sisters attention. She and her friend were in those Picasso years, I just alluded to, and full of experimentations. The young ladies decided that they would make the little brother handsome beyond his years and gathered together some scissors and brushes and sparkles. After some intense and professional grooming they turned the young lad into a prince of men. His hair was a palace of perfection. Unfortunately the mother of these children had a different interpretation of the finished hair saloon client. To the mother his hair and head resembled glittering mange that the pet horse had once had the misfortune of developing.

A quick emergency trip to the family barber solved the mange problem and the young man now had a proper military haircut. The young ladies reluctantly gave up the keys to their hair emporium and retired early to their rooms for a well deserved rest.

The love between a brother and sister is wondrous and mysterious at times. It is pure and full of good intentions but sometimes the sparkles flash a bit too much.

Have you a childhood memory to share? Feel free to pick those rose memories and breath in their fragrances.


aieesha.salleh said...

happy 08 to you chumly

Charlotte Rose said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog alittle while ago, now I have stopped travelling, i look forward to more time perusing blogs. Child hood stories mmm, i will have to think on that one. : )

Anisha Zaveri said...

I had a fascination for being very rigid with regard to time much like Phileas Fogg in 'Around the world in 80 days'

I had made this whole timetable deciding I would drink milk at 8:27 and pee at 8:40.

My dad found it highly absurd and crumpled and threw it. :P It broke my heart.

DonaldLB said...

Thank you for your comment on my daughters picture. I shall be visiting here often. Your words bring joy to this old heart.